Thursday, January 22, 2009

What's new & what's that smell?

This week my kids decided to finally share w/ each other. They decided to share their colds, bronchitis (RSV) & other funkiness. Gotta start somewhere though, right? Reid & Reagan went back to school today & so Rowan is back to being the Lone Toddler. He's handling it well. I think he finally understands brothers gone= get any toy for extended amount of time. Took him long enough. I have it now but I'm fine because as we all know as an adult I can take Dayquil. This stuff is AWESOME!! Even though I'm sick the laundry's getting done, toys are being sterlized, etc. I'm such a weakling Benadryl knocks me out like GHB. So it's no wonder this stuff has me climbing the walls. Kinda nice though so whatever. At least I'm not sitting on the couch w/ a fever, cough & death wishes anymore. After all this is done I may even have enough time/energy to tackle that smell in the car. You "real" moms know what I'm talking about. At 1st you ignore it. It may just be from outside (yeah, ok). Then you try to think back..what did I let them eat in the car last? Next is the ignore phase. During this phase I llike to use Lysol, Neutra-air & an assortment of other cover-ups. Then as we all know comes the last phase. Your kids notice & the sun has baked the smell into your seats. Hazmat called & said they're not coming this time. So, it's up to us to dig under coats & toys to find it. However, I'm high not stupid so Greg can handle it when he gets home.


  1. um, you seriously had me cracking up over this post! I am a "real" mom and have encountered many a hidden weeks old food or beverage! It's terrible! The last one was an encrusted sippy cup that I just threw away in the garbage because I was so terrified to look inside!

  2. Yeah .... usually when I go digging around in the van I come up with petrified chicken nuggets, bits o unidentifiable sticky stuff, and the abandoned sippy cup of milk that has curdled...... *shudder*
