Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Off the wagon

I fell off the bloggin wagon. But I'm back. So many new things to report I'm not sure where to begin. Reid is about to be a 5th grader. Both him & Reagan won 1st place in baseball. Although I was extremely proud of their trophy's I was more proud they recognized there is a reward for effort. Because they did work hard for those trophy's. Reagan will be in 1st grade & is learning more every day. Rowan has continued to amaze me. He is still the most stubborn child known to man. I pray he harnesses that power & uses it for good rather than evil. This summer has been fun & several lessons have presented themselves. We've met new friends, lost some & learned family is always there. A week ago we all lost my grandmother. She was the most generous, loving, christian example of a woman & my heart truly aches for my mothers loss. But I know she's home & dancing w/ my Papa. Football is about to begin & I will post pics as soon as we get Reid's pads & helmet. We're enjoying the lazy days of summer as I'm sure most of you are.