Sunday, February 28, 2010

Just for you

I've got a suprise for you! When you're having one of those days where your kid is being the most whiny, cranky & misbehaved kid ever, feel free to refer to THIS story & use it. Go ahead. Pass it around. Tell your friends. Whatever. I'm a giver. Merry Christmas. Happy Birthday.

My 2 oldest boys decided to quickly jump in the shower. I should have known something was up right there. After several minutes Reagan emerged from said shower crying & talking about pee. Yes pee. A few seconds later Reid jumps out of said shower & begins trying to defend himself. From what we still had no idea. We were still trying to decipher:



Now I had two brothers & heard stories. I'm thinking maybe someone peed in the shower & the other one slipped in it. Which is gross in itself but better than what actually happened.

So we make both boys get dressed & sit down to explain. Both boys decided to see if you could fill a water gun with pee. Then undecided on how to then rid the gun of pee got the brilliant idea to take turns shooting each other with it. I know. I know.

You're welcome.