Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yes, hell is a bad word..

So, there's a song making the rounds by American rejects (I think?) called Gives you hell. Obviously I try to skip this when the little ones are in the car. However, they stayed in the car w/ Reid while I ran back into the house for something the other day & as luck would have it..that song was on. When I got in the car I changed it. Reagan was the first to ask why. " Is hell a bad word Mommy?" "Well, it depends on how you use it. That song isn't very nice." We went on our merry way & I thought the subject was closed. Until we arrived at Academy. Reagan hopped out of the car & raised his arms really high. Then he proceeded to shout "What the hell is up everybody?" I had to hide my combination of shock, embarrassment & humor to explain why he couldn't scream "What the hell is up?".

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