Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I should obviously be writing about Reagan being sick. He (we) were up all night using the nebulizer. His fever has been up to 103.4 & he's miserable. He has the flu & the Croup. We all know about the sick kid stories..nothing new. On the way to the Pediatrician's office this a.m. they were late opening so we went to Target. Before you berate my parenting skills let me preface by saying it was early, nothing else was open & Reagan was riding in the cart. Anyway, I made my way around to the Children's section & the Universe decided to pay me back for it's unfairness. The back story is I buy nothing unless it's on sale. Like %75 of sale. It's in my DNA. So, the rack said %50 & I wasn't gonna look EXCEPT that I saw the orange tag & the entire section said $1.24!!! What?? Holy crap. All their kid t-shirts, sweat shirts w/ hoods, w/out hoods, long sleeve shirts, jackets, pants. were on CLEARANCE!! Nothing was over $2.48. I filled the basket w/ all my new found treasures. Even in my clearance haze I remembered to buy a few bigger sizes for next year. (I'm no rookie) I then thought enough to go to every dept. & check it out. Men's was the same scenario. So Reid got ALOT of shirts & those cool sweat-shorts that are super comfy. They were $2.78. CRAZY. I got 7 huge bags full of clothes for under $50.00!! Reagan was very happy too because there was a nice, comfy robe for under $3.00 that he got to wear right away. Thanks universe. I feel better & the robe was a nice touch..


  1. Um, see, now I think the universe SO OWES me!!! And don't even apologize, shopping just has to happen sick kids or not!

  2. I knew another mom would understand. hee-hee

  3. I'm so with you sister! It's such a rush for me to get those deals! Do you think they still have anything left? ... or did you clean them out, you clearance hog! Oh, and as for your comment in response to me taking my sickos to the Pasadena mall... all I have to say is that you were snooty when you were in Clear Lake, but now that you're in Pearland, you're just about intolerable! hee hee... totally joking, but you have to know that! Love you Girl! Take care of my little man.

  4. I totally had a similar (minus the sick kid) experience!! I "ran in" Target up by the Galleria yesterday and fell upon MAJOR clearances. I got Ben a train table for $19.99. I couldn't believe it! This morning, I thought my luck might continue and I went to the one on 518, all the toys were gone, but I found a ton of clothes as well. I bought stuff for next year. Yesterday I also found great deals at Crazy 8 in the Galleria... I love that store. Shirts and pants were $1.99 to $3.99... we stocked up for next fall/winter! I'm not sure if it's a "sign of the times", but whatever... I'll take it!!!!

  5. I'm so happy to have found my Clearance Peeps!! I'm working our gang sign..ha ha!!Ali- you win for Bargain O' The Week. Train table for $19.99 is INSANE!!! What's Crazy 8-fill me in por favor..
