Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Kryptonite

We're home from the hospital. Reagan was treated w/ a super-duper cocktail of steroids, albuterol, rocephin, fluids & oxygen. He's feeling better & now Rowan is sick. The only reason I feel ok about it is that I now know exactly what to do for him. I'm ok w/ all illness except when breathing issues are involved. Blame my traumatic youth in which my younger brother was life-flighted 2 times in front of me & was always having these horrible breathing issues. Eventually he got a pacemaker & all was well. But the lingering helplessness has affected me apparently because that's a soft spot for me. I'm impervious to vomit, fever, the runs..whatever. But respiratory distress of any kind is my Kryptonite (spell check for all you sci-fi fans?). It makes me nervous & very unsure of what to do next. Reagan turned a very funky purple-gray color. It wasn't blue so I thought ok..we're not that bad off. Not true. Purple-gray is bad. I guess I wanted the movie style "he's blue" type scenario. His lips & eyes were purple around the edges & he looked very pathetic. I figured instead of the very dramatic ambulance call I had time to get him there myself. I threw him in the car & drove to the ER. Greg was already home because I'd called him. He was taken back right away because by the time we got there he was vomiting & had worse color. After they checked his pulse & Oxygen (one too high, one too low) he was taken back right away & all was good. Usually I cannot be shaken w/ my kids. With Reid I learned early they look to me for assurance. I remember when Reid was at Shriner's & they had to scrub him every day..I was a rock. After everything was over I'd go in the hall & cry w/ all the other parents but during that I was in the moment for him. Encouraging, get the point. But this time I felt very...out of control & nervous. Especially when his Oxygen kept going below 90. The magic # is 92 they said. When it went all the way down to 88 I felt so helpless. I found out my kids can burn their hand practically off, cut their eye open & have surgery in front of me, & whatever else. But having a breathing issue is out of the question. I hope they listen.


  1. Oh Terra,
    I am so very sorry that happened, that is frightening, we have ridden the asthma roller coaster and it can be terrifying.

    Oh and you totally spelled kryptonite right

  2. Terra,
    I'm so sorry you had to go through all this. I can only imagine it. You are so strong! You must be exhausted now after riding this emotional roller coaster. Give the boys our love! We love you guys so much!
