Tuesday, January 27, 2009

For the love of money

While perusing the local Marshall's Rowan fell in love w/ his first Piggy Bank. I personally think it's odd to buy something to put money in. I mean if you're actually trying to save money & start collecting change it's weird to already be in the hole because you had to have a ceramic pig/baseball. But try telling that to a toddler. So when we get home with Piggy Bank Rowan is all about finding "monies" to shove in the appointed slots. Couches, my purse, under the sink? Nowhere is safe. Seeing the desperation I let him know Daddy's closet has lots of change on the floor. **backstory** When I married Greg & moved in we discovered a box in a closet from college. Apparently he "forgot" he had a BOX w/ $700.00 worth of change. I know. I know. Greg is a change magnet. Seriously. So upon entering his closet I hear "Monies, monies everywhere" in the most excited voice. Rowan's chubby little hand can't keep up as it will only...grab..a...few..coins..at...a..time. Frantically grabbing every nickel he asks for help. (You must know that Greg has change in his pocket, it falls on the floor & he doesn't pick it up. It's an odd game we play. He also leaves real money in his pocket & I find rolled up bills in the dryer ALL the time. I do get paid to do the laundry..ha ha!!) So I decide to help all the while realizing the cool stuff I can get w/ this Pandora's Box of change. I'm so not above dumping change in that green thing @ Walmart. I know it's our money to begin w/ but it's "free money". Leftover money. Now a couple times a week you will see a blur of legs & the rattle of metal against ceramic pottery as Rowan plunders his untapped resource. Happy kid check. Full Piggy check. Clean floor check. Win win.

1 comment:

  1. It amazes me how alike our boys are! Fynnie is also obsessed with money! Crazy little penny pincers!
